About Me
I'm a freelance Illustrator, Animator and sometimes Director based in the UK. My work is currently focused on bringing bright, bold and conceptual ideas to life by being a dab hand at drawing and using the occasional bit of animation.
I'm always happy to hear about new and exciting projects, so get in touch at smartkyle@gmail.com or call +44 (0)7720 212 552.
Selected Clients
Twitch/ The Guardian/ The Washington Post/ Polygon/ Readers Digest/ Therapy Today/ NoBrow Press/ Adweek/ The Wall Street Journal/ Variety Magazine/ Intercom/ Scientific American/ BBC Focus/ Banzai!/ DC Comics/ Sacramento Magazine/ PlanAdviser/ Usbek & Rica/ BOOM! Studios/ Diplomat Magazine/ JESS3/ Computer Arts/ Grantland Quarterly/ Spears Magazine/ Edgar Magazine/ Emirates Open Skies/ German Wings/ Port Magazine.